Thursday, August 23, 2012

Some Explanations. One week left!!

         Unfortunately, it's not going by fast. This summer has flown by until now! The anticipation is like that of a little kid waiting for Christmas, only multiplied by 100.

         I am going to Japan for a study abroad! I seized the opportunity right away when I found that I could go to the University of Tsukuba this Fall for the same price as regular tuition and with an excellent scholarship! Originally, I looked into studying abroad in a Spanish-speaking place, but all of them were either really expensive (Spain), really dangerous (Mexico), or they just didn't appeal to me (Chile, sorry Chile). Then I saw Japan on the list of countries. My dad went there once and he really loved it, so I decided to check it out. I found out that it's a wonderful place to study abroad, especially with USU because the University of Tsukuba will give USU students a hefty scholarship. :) Plus it's one of the safest countries in the world, and it has so much history. There is a lot to Japan. 

         Up until recently, going to Japan has all seemed very surreal. Like it's been too far in the future to worry about. I read books and think about how cool Japan is, and I keep having to remind myself that I'll be living there. I can hardly stand the wait!!! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

11 More Days til Departure

Taylor Rose gave me blogging lessons today. =) 

Eleven days feels like an eternity, but hopefully it goes by fast.