Sunday, September 23, 2012

Oarai Sea - Ocean and Aquarium

Today our Japanese friend Keisuke and some of his friends took us to Oarai Sea! It's a place right by the beach with a big aquarium. We were going to go play at the beach, but it rained all day. Oh well. 
I saw the Pacific Ocean from the other side! 
First view of the Pacific. Teresa took this one.

We went to the aquarium, Aquaworld. I never knew there were so many sea animals!! I saw animals of all sizes and shapes and colors, some were beautiful and some were... interesting. But they were all very cool to look at. It was hard to take pictures because it was so dark, so I didn't get very many but Teresa did and she took a lot of these pictures.

Me in front of the dolphin tank.

It was amazing!! I'm sure I looked silly because I was so amazed by everything I saw. 


This was the biggest fish tank. It had sting rays, eels, schools of fish, sharks, a sea turtle, and probably a bunch of other fish! I got to see them feed the sting rays! 

They jellyfish were one of my favorites. They're so cool to watch!

There was a show with seals and dolphins! 

I got to hold a starfish, and touch a shark and a sea urchin! 

I saw SO MANY ANIMALS!! It was such a cool place! These are just some of them!

I loved the penguins, SO cute!!

These were called 'garden eels.'

This is our friend Keisuke in a shark hat. 

After the aquarium it was still rainy, but Teresa really wanted to see the beach, so we went.

The other side of the Pacific!!! 

It wasn't much to look at, but it was fun to try to see how far I could see, and imagine the coast 7,000 miles away. 

It was so windy and cold! But the water was warm, surprisingly. 

Such a fun day by the sea, the beautiful sea! 

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